I've been thinking about having a food swap day for a long time. I think February is the month it is finally going to happen. A food swap can be as organised or relaxed as you like. It can be as simple as a table where people place the food they've made/grown and want to share and anyone can take whatever they want. Or it can be structured, using cards where people can offer a swap for each item (using swap sheets with categories What, Who and Offers). Then the maker can choose what 'payment' they want for their product. I'm kind of excited about this! I'll keep you posted on the planning.
Community swapping and sharing is starting to gain momentum in Australia. Yesterday I read an article about home grown produce sharing in Melbourne and surrounds. It sounds like a great idea, one I'd love to get started here. It's just another way of developing community sufficiency, instead of being too worried about complete self sufficiency. Do you have anything like this near you?
I've also wanted to do something like this. I'm excited to see how it pans out for you. If only I lived oceans away and could take part...