Friday, April 20, 2012

Skillcycle day - photography edition

Woohoo! I've managed to pin down someone willing to teach on my long awaited photography skillcycle day. I know Ed from Uni (he sits in my second office) and I'm really happy that he's on board with this. He takes some great photos (even if most of the ones I've seen are from his screen saver when he leaves his desk. Stalky...).

We'll be hosting the day at my house in May. The date is yet to be confirmed but will likely be a Sunday afternoon. I haven't decided what other skills will be demo'd on the day (anyone have anything the want to offer?) but I though it'd be nice if we all bring some food/beer (if you don't want to cook) to 'pay' Ed for his time. I hear he likes Coopers Sparkling tallies...

Ed will go through the basics of photography (aperture, shutter speed, iso) and how to get the best out of your camera. I'm hopeless with these things and I know some of you have said you're in the same boat. If you'd like to come along just give me a heads up here or on the Facebook page. Ed would like to know what cameras people are planning on bringing so he can make sure he's familiar with them beforehand.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Thanks Lucy and Ed!
    I'll be away on Sunday 13th, but if it's not that day, I'd love to come! I would bring Paul's Canon 350-D digital SLR, which has a few different lenses (100mm, 50mm, 18-270mm). It would be so helpful to go through the basics with everyone.
