Friday, October 14, 2011

BOGI Fair - other inspirations

As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm always inspired at BOGI Fair's. The year before I joined a Community Exchange System called LETS (Local Energy Trading Scheme) after speaking to Adrian who has a LETS stall each year. Our local branch is called BrisLETS but there are many groups all over the world. The system works as a multi-way trading scheme. In other words, I can sell something to another member which puts credit into my account, I can then use that credit to purchase something or pay for a service from any other member. While I like small one to one trades within my community, LETS allows for a lot more flexibility. And there is a huge variety of services and products for sale.

My other stall neighbour this year was Marilena. She was selling her homemade cakes and cards. None of us could resist her elderberry flower and mulberry cupcakes. I chatted to her throughout the day about SkillCycle and why we both do what we do. We both feel the same way about not really doing any of this for 'profit' (in the conventional sense). We both just enjoy showing people how easy it is to make delicious food from locally sourced and sustainably grown food. Marilena also helps organise a yearly winter feast in Samford (north west of Brisbane) with fresh local produce being shared by the whole community.

Quite a few Transition Towns members approached the stall throughout the day. These groups do so much more than can be described in a few lines so you can read about them here. I've been meaning to join my local group for awhile now.

I've heard Stan from Sizzling Solar Systems and his wife Jane speak on numerous occasions but he's always impressive so I popped by for another demo. I also love hearing the ooh's and aah's from people who have never seen Stan set fire to a piece of wood in seconds using only a salvaged satellite dish, base of a student desk chair and some shiny chip packet liners. He's like a modern day MacGyver. Who cooks.

All in all, a very inspiring day!

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